I help small-business owners, service-based businesses, startups, and coaches make sales and build relationships with their customers using copy and stories.

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🔹 What I Do

<aside> 🔨 Web copywriting

By doing this, anyone who comes to your website will know immediately why they should care about your company and take the action you desire.


<aside> 🎯 Email copywriting

I write emails that get your customers buying, responding, and talking about you on Twitter.


<aside> ✂️ Sales letter Writing

To bring in sales, I'll write about your product from an angle that your prospect has never looked at it from.


🔹 Projects I’ve Done

Project Samples

🔹 About Me

Hi! My name is Anyanwu Felix.

I’ve been working as a direct-response copywriter since 2019.

When I'm not playing chess, I'm working with small business owners, tech-based start-ups, and course creators.

I'm usually accused of making them a lot of money from Ads that don't sound or look like Ads.

I have experience with:



Some of my proudest work accomplishments include:

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